Asbestos is a seriously dangerous material that kills hundreds of thousands of people globally every year. Asbestos abatement service is the only way to safely remove and contain asbestos.
This material was used in the construction of many homes that were built before the 1980s. Many homeowners are not aware that their home is full of this ticking time bomb. The only way to know for sure if your home is safe or not is with professional asbestos testing.
What is Asbestos Testing?
If you are not trained to recognize asbestos you likely will never know that you are living with this material in your home. A professional that provides asbestos abatement service knows where to look and how to determine if your home was built using this material.
They can quickly determine the risk factor in your home and develop an abatement plan to keep your home safe. Testing is your first step to peace of mind.
What is Abatement?
Asbestos abatement service is the solution when you want to be sure that the asbestos in your home stays dormant or is removed altogether. In some cases, encapsulation techniques are used to ensure that the asbestos remains a harmless material, in other cases, it has to be removed.
Most people have visions of walls and floors being torn down to get rid of asbestos, the fact is that the asbestos abatement company will do all that they can to avoid having to take drastic steps. There are solutions that do not include tearing your home apart.
When Should You Call in a Professional?
Anyone that lives in a home that was built before the 1980s that wants to know if their family is in danger can request to have the testing done. Of course, there are times that you should absolutely have the testing done, including:
Whenever you plan a renovation
Whenever you are changing out flooring
Whenever you are considering replacing insulation
Asbestos was frequently used in floor tiles, insulation, and other building materials. When you are ripping old materials out you are disturbing that asbestos in the material which can release it into the air.
Asbestos is not dangerous until it is disturbed. To keep your family safe you need to make sure you get the testing done before you make any major changes. Asbestos testing Maryland homeowners have found gives them peace of mind. It is always better to know than not know.